ENERGOS technology will feature as part of a three-stage-process residual waste project led by recycling and sustainable waste company, Viridor.
In addition to advanced recycling and anaerobic digestion technologies, the proposed 146m Viridor Glasgow Recycling and Renewable Energy Centre (GRREC) at Polmadie, will incorporate Energos thermal treatment infrastructure.
The Viridor facility will radically overhaul the way Glasgow’s residual household waste is managed over the next 25 years – handling between 175,000 and 200,000 tonnes of council green bin waste every year.
The proposed project will enable enhanced recycling and energy recovery from residual waste and is expected to save the city 254 million across the 25-year contract, in addition to 90,000 tonnes of CO2 every year through diversion from landfill, production of recyclate materials and generation of electricity from renewable sources.
UK-based ENERGOS (www.energos.com) has a 15-year track record and more than 500,000 hours of operation at eight plants across Europe and is a global leader in small scale clean energy recovery from waste.
Nick Dawber, Managing Director of ENERGOS, said: we are pleased to be an integral part of the proposed Glasgow Recycling and Renewable Energy Centre and we look forward to being part of an environmentally responsible, small scale local solution for local waste that would otherwise fill up landfill.
A planning application is expected to be made towards the end of summer with a view to securing planning consent in early 2013.